Tuesday 17 September 2013

Gaga, genius or diva?

Lady Gaga: Musical genius or just plain old "diva"?

With her latest video "applause" hitting the scene, Lady Gaga is once again in the limelight for her work...wacky tasteless pop work or genuinely talented artist work?
Tasteless? Really?

Well that's up to you, but before we get into that kind of criticism lets take a look at Gaga from different light, a more musically creative-less wacko artist and consider a song from a slightly more popular time in her life...
Now what's the difference between a musical genius and a "diva"? Well, the music! Right? The pop world has most always seen the stronghold of these "divas" which today comprises the likes of the dazzling Katy Perry, booty queen Beyonce, cute(but slightly overzealous Miley Cyrus) and of course the wacky-artisty-meat-laden Lady Gaga . Yes she has a reputation for creating the wackiest videos, drawing attention to her crazy clothing and is the kind of pop artist most rock enthusiasts would call "pop rubbish", there's a lot more to Lady Gaga than that...

You and I (From Born This Way, 2011)
Yeap, That's Brian May with her.

Now let's really listen to this song before making any assumptions. 'You and I' wasn't just another pop video-flesh exposing-diva type song. It was "musically" a very good song... With backing rock guitar riffs, a beautiful melody you don't usually hear in Gaga songs and a chorus that puts her in the same league as some of the more "musically" acclaimed female singers of her time, this was a song a lot of people would never really include among her best work, but then that is merely because pop divas like Gaga and Perry are judged rather for their elaborate videos and pop-style tunes instead of "musical beauty". This is a song people must really consider before labeling her as just a "pop-diva". Honestly, how many female divas has the great Brian May performed with?

Although her latest her latest "applause" is at most pop-tunish and video based( sorry gaga), Lady Gaga, one cannot deny is a cut above her peers...
Miss Gaga, forget the stereotypical pop tunes  what we really need from you are more songs like 'You and I'.


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